Thursday, June 18, 2009


Lots of activity in SBS, both physical and verbal.

For starters, the response to this blog has been overwhelming. My favorite comment?
"Creating a blog is about as easy as producing your own urine...and you're about as likely to find someone else interested in it."
I think that just about says it all. Undaunted, I continue to charge forward, as there are too many significant events unfolding to abstain from commentary.

Next, from a teammate trying to find something in his garage for the FBD, he noted, "Don't worry, I'm a dude, I can find stuff." Word. Dudes find stuff.

And last, but certainly not least, as I was loading my groceries yesterday, another teammate noticed a cute girl loading watermelons into her car. Unable to resist, he commented, "Nice melons." Comments like this either get you killed or laid in PHL, but out here is SBS it was simply taken in the jovial spirit in which it was intended and everyone went on with their lives without any violence or nudity, or any combination of the two.

I desperately wanted a photo of this encounter, as not only is a picture worth a thousand words, but everyone loves cute girls with nice melons, even if they are out of view. Alas, the melon girl was a speedy one and she was loaded and driving before I could respond.