Wednesday, June 17, 2009

MSYUD - Minimum Safe Youth Urination Distance

As anyone who has even looked into a public pool in the summer can attest, they are usually crawling with kids of all ages and widely varying states of bladder control, therein raising the compelling question, just how far to I need to be from the problem pool urinators to be safe?

I pondered this question in great detail the other day, but since I was actually IN the pool during this period of contemplation, the only research tools I had at my disposal was my overactive imagination. I therefore concluded that since I had no choice other than to not swim (not really an option), I would be fine, as public health ordinances undoubtedly have taken care of this, right?

Wrong. Literally the next day, I found this in the paper of record: It turns out I was on the right track, but the wrong orifice.